The two characters in the image corresponding to these lines were immortalized from the bottom up, at a time when they were on broomsticks, in the Târgu-Mureş Fortress. Projected on the blue autumn sky, with mask or without mask, the two protagonists sent us thinking about the eponymous TVR show from the ’80s, in which various well-known actors tried to hide their true identity behind masks, to the delight of the public. Extrapolating, even if the mask establishes anonymity, the fact of being above them all (on broomsticks) remains a great thing, which can only be matched by those below by physically rising above the floor surface. Figuratively speaking, the MedievArt Festival was once again at appreciable artistic levels. An important festival in the annual agenda of the band Nomen Est Omen, which in 2008 used (temporarily) the masks from the props of the Scena Theater, at least for a photo shoot.